Michael Lueck
2023-09-20 10:27:19 UTC
Using ooRexx v5.0 I was reminded that in my use of rxqueue, always the text ends up UPPERCASE. Example:
CheckEXIF: procedure expose LDSLogging
THISPhotoFile = arg(1)
THISPhotoDate = ''
THISCameraBrand = ''
EXIFqueue = RXqueue('create')
OLDqueue = RXqueue('set', EXIFqueue)
'exif "'THISPhotoFile'" | /usr/local/bin/rxqueue ' EXIFqueue
do queued()
pull THISline
if THISline~left(20) = 'DATE AND TIME (ORIGI' then
THISPhotoDate = THISline~substr(22, 10)~changeStr(':', '')
if THISline~left(20) = 'MANUFACTURER' then
THISCameraBrand = THISline~substr(22, 1)~upper()
rc = RXqueue('delete', EXIFqueue)
trash = RXqueue('set', OLDqueue)
THISreturn = THISPhotoDate || THISCameraBrand
return THISreturn
I must seek for 'DATE AND TIME (ORIGI' and MANUFACTURER' instead of the exact case I see the program output. I would think passing the data through rxqueue is responsible for the UPPERCASE transformation. Or is the do queued(), pull THISline responsible and the data really is within rxqueue CasePreserved?
I am thankful,
Michael Lueck
Using ooRexx v5.0 I was reminded that in my use of rxqueue, always the text ends up UPPERCASE. Example:
CheckEXIF: procedure expose LDSLogging
THISPhotoFile = arg(1)
THISPhotoDate = ''
THISCameraBrand = ''
EXIFqueue = RXqueue('create')
OLDqueue = RXqueue('set', EXIFqueue)
'exif "'THISPhotoFile'" | /usr/local/bin/rxqueue ' EXIFqueue
do queued()
pull THISline
if THISline~left(20) = 'DATE AND TIME (ORIGI' then
THISPhotoDate = THISline~substr(22, 10)~changeStr(':', '')
if THISline~left(20) = 'MANUFACTURER' then
THISCameraBrand = THISline~substr(22, 1)~upper()
rc = RXqueue('delete', EXIFqueue)
trash = RXqueue('set', OLDqueue)
THISreturn = THISPhotoDate || THISCameraBrand
return THISreturn
I must seek for 'DATE AND TIME (ORIGI' and MANUFACTURER' instead of the exact case I see the program output. I would think passing the data through rxqueue is responsible for the UPPERCASE transformation. Or is the do queued(), pull THISline responsible and the data really is within rxqueue CasePreserved?
I am thankful,
Michael Lueck